
Explanations of all options available in config.ini

At first launch, the config.ini file is created at .configs/calcure. Here is a review of the available settings and their default values:

Folders and files

Folder where the data files with tasks and event will be stored. It could be your cloud folder for syncing with other computers.

folder_with_datafiles = ~/.config/calcure

File from calcurse and taskwarrior applications from which calcure will import tasks and appointments:

calcurse_todo_file = ~/.local/share/calcurse/todo
calcurse_events_file = ~/.local/share/calcurse/apts
taskwarrior_folder = ~/.task

Paths or URLs of .ics files with tasks and events. It can be multiple comma separated files, URLs, or folders:

ics_task_files = ~/.config/vdirsyncer/data/tasks1.ics,/home/username/.config/vdirsyncer/data/tasks2.ics
ics_event_files = ~/.config/vdirsyncer/data/events1.ics,/home/username/.config/vdirsyncer/data/events2.ics

General settings

split_screen = Yes - Would you like to start Calcure with a split calendar/journal view?

language = en - Language of application. At the moment we support: English en, French fr, Russian ru, and Italian it, Chinese zh, Turkish tr, and Brazilian Portuguese br.

default_view = calendar - Default screen on which the program starts. Alternative values are: journal or help

default_calendar_view = monthly - Default view of the calendar. Can be monthly or daily. Weekly view is not supported.

use_persian_calendar = No - Would you like to display calendar in Persian (Iranian) format instead of Gregorian?

start_week_day = 1 - Which day should be considered start of the week? For example, Monday is 1 etc.

weekend_days = 6,7 - Which days should be highlighted as the weekend? For example, 6,7 highlights Saturday and Sunday.

refresh_interval = 1 - Seconds between screen refresh when a timer is counting. If you feel the screen is flickering every second, increase this parameter.

ask_confirmations = Yes - Would you like to be asked for confirmations of destructive actions (like deletes)?

ask_confirmation_to_quit = Yes - Would you like to be asked for confirmation to quit?


birthdays_from_abook = Yes - Would you like to display birthdays (anniversaries) from the contacts in your abook application?

privacy_mode = No - Start in the privacy mode, in which all items are obfuscated (······)?

show_keybindings = Yes - Would you like to display hits about basic keybinding in the footer?

show_weather = No - Would you like to display a weather widget in the top right corner? Note that loading weather slows down the launch.

weather_metric_units = Yes - Display temperature in C? If set to No, it will be in F.

weather_city = - City for which weather will be loaded. If empty, it will get it from your IP.

show_current_time = No - Would you like to display current time at the top?

one_timer_at_a_time = No - Pause all timers when starting a new one?

show_holidays = Yes - Would you like to see holidays?

holiday_country = UnitedStates - Country for which holidays are loaded. This can a list of countries, for example holiday_country = UnitedStates,France. List of available countries. If your country is not available, you can display holidays via loading an .ics file.

Decorations and visuals

Minimal indicators of the days in the monthly view. If switched to No, the background will be filled:

minimal_today_indicator = Yes
minimal_days_indicator = Yes
minimal_weekend_indicator = Yes

show_calendar_borders = No - In monthly view, show the borders between days?

cut_titles_by_cell_length = No - In monthly view, cut the event titles if they are longer than the length of a cell representing this day? Switched on automatically if previous option is Yes.

use_unicode_icons = Yes - Use Unicode icons? If No, ASCII symbols will be used. Useful for old terminals not supporting Unicode.

show_nothing_planned = Yes - Show "Nothing is planned..." if the day or journal is empty?

right_pane_percentage = 25 - Size of the right pane in percentage. Should be an integer number between 5 and 95.

journal_header = JOURNAL - Header that is displayed for the journal screen.


Icons shown in front of the tasks and events:

event_icon = •
privacy_icon = •
today_icon = •
birthday_icon = ★
holiday_icon = ☘️
hidden_icon = ...
done_icon = ✔
todo_icon = •
important_icon = ‣
separator_icon = │


Colors of various elements of the program. When configuring colors, the numbers indicate standard colors of your terminal and usually mean:

1 · red, 2 · green, 3 · yellow, 4 · blue, 5 · magenta, 6 · cyan, 7 · white, -1 · transparent

color_today = 2
color_events = 7
color_days = 4
color_day_names = 4
color_weekends = 1
color_weekend_names = 1
color_hints = 7
color_prompts = 7
color_confirmations = 1
color_birthdays = 1
color_holidays = 2
color_todo = 7
color_done = 6
color_title = 4
color_calendar_header = 4
color_important = 1
color_unimportant = 6
color_timer = 2
color_timer_paused = 7
color_time = 7
color_weather = 2
color_active_pane = 2
color_separator = 7
color_calendar_border = 7
color_background = -1

For calendars from .ics files you can specify a list of colors, up to 10 colors, which will be applied to different .ics files:

color_ics_calendars = 2,4,6,3


Some elements of the interface can be bold, underlined, or both. Items marked as 'done' can be strike-through. To make it work, your terminal should be configured to support different font styles.

bold_today = No
bold_days = No
bold_day_names = No
bold_weekends = No
bold_weekend_names = No
bold_title = No
bold_active_pane = No
underlined_today = No
underlined_days = No
underlined_day_names = No
underlined_weekends = No
underlined_weekend_names = No
underlined_title = No
underlined_active_pane = No
strikethrough_done = No

Last updated