
Typical problems and possible solutions

Running the program

  • If after install the program does not run by just running calcure, try to restart your terminal, it may need to recheck the binaries.

  • If the program still does not start, try running it as python -m calcure in some systems, terminal might not see the installed python programs. In this case, create an alias.


  • If your terminal shows empty squares instead of icons, probably it does not support Unicode. In this case, in config set: use_unicode_icons = No.

  • If you see that one particular row seems shifted horizontally a bit, it's likely caused by a non-monospace icon. Try to find which icon it is and change it in the config.ini


  • The weather widget requires the internet connection and takes a few seconds to load. So, it only loads in the background and is displayed only after some action.

  • If weather is incorrect, set your city in config weather_city = Tokyo. By default, this setting is empty, and the program tries to detect your city automatically from your IP.

Syncing and displaying .ics files

  • If there are any sync issues, try deleting all synced files and .vdirsyncer folder in your home directory. Then, run vdirsyncer discover and vdirsyncer sync again.

  • If items from .ics did not appear, there must have been an error. Double check everything, especially paths and that files really synced. Check info.log file in your Calcure config folder, it should contain information about errors. If nothing helps, open an issue on GitHub and provide your configs (without passwords), I'll try to help.

Last updated