Creating new hole shapes (the easy way)

This tutorial explains how you can create new hole shapes using the very flexible PointLineHole and the even easier to use FunctionLineHole. There is an alternative way of creating new hole shapes through programming, but this is a lot more difficult.

In simple words, you can use the PointLineHole to draw any line you want, which will then become a hole. It is easy to define these lines using math or python functions. How to do this is explained below with more detail. As an example of a hole defined with a mathematical function, here is a hole built using the function sin(x)/x.

How does the PointLineHole work

The PointLineHole creates many circular holes that are at closely spaced points along a line. If the circular holes are spaces closely enough, this will give the impression of a continuous line with a certain thickness. If there are not enough circles or points, the shape will become irregular, and the scattering will be inconsistent, as illustrated by the below image. So, make sure that the holes are spaced closely enough. But if you generate too many points, the execution time of the simulation might increase because the phonon position has to be checked against more points.

The FunctionLineHole is just a wrapper for PointLineHole where you provide a mathematical function that is used to generate the holes.

How to use a mathematical function to define a hole

The FunctionLineHole uses a mathematical function to define the hole shape. Let's use sin(x)/x as an example. Here is how this is coded.

HOLES = [FunctionLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, function_range=(-2*np.pi, np.pi), function=lambda x: np.sin(x)/x, size_x=500e-9, size_y=300e-9, resolution=1e-9, thickness=30e-9, rotation=0)]

Let's go through the arguments one by one:

  • With the x and y arguments can be used to position the hole in the structure. It is an offset between the origin of the simulation's coordinate system and the function's coordinate system. So if both are set to 0 the function will simply be drawn in the structure's coordinate system.

  • The function_range argument defines from what x value to what x value the function is plotted. For sin(x)/x -2pi and 2pi are good spots. You can see this example above. For demonstration purposes here, I will use a range of -2pi and pi. Notice how with an asymmetric range the origin of the function and therefore the reference point for its position is not at it's center.

  • The simplest way of defining the function is using a lambda function. Lambda functions are easy to use: Just write lambda x: and put the expression to be evaluated behind this. It is also possible to simply define a regular function, which we will come back to.

  • You can use size_x and size_y to define the size of the resulting structure. This will take into account the thickness of the hole so that the total hole size corresponds to what was put in. We will also come back to this.

  • The resolution is the distance in x between two adjacent points or circles. Pay attention that this is only the distance in x direction, so if the function is steep, the actual distance between the points will be significantly larger than this.

  • With rotation the function is rotated around its origin by the number of degrees specified.

Addressing singularities

You probably noticed that sin(x)/x cannot be evaluated at x=0 because of the division by x. Since only some points of the function are evaluated, this can be fine, but it can cause errors and should be addressed. A simple way to do this is by defining a python function like this:

def sinxdivx(x):
    if x == 0:
        return 1
        return np.sin(x)/x

HOLES = [FunctionLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, function_range=(-2*np.pi, np.pi), function=sinxdivx, size_x=500e-9, size_y=300e-9, resolution=1e-9, thickness=30e-9)]

As you can see, any python object that takes one argument and outputs a number can be used here. Here is an alternative way of implementing this:

sinxdivx = lambda x: 1 if x == 0 else np.sin(x)/x

HOLES = [FunctionLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, function_range=(-2*np.pi, np.pi), function=sinxdivx, size_x=500e-9, size_y=300e-9, resolution=1e-9, thickness=30e-9)]

Alternative sizing method

For more control over the sizing of the function, you can set size_x and/or size_y to None (or omit them) and instead set the scaling through the function. Here is an example where the x scaling is controlled through the function:

HOLES = [FunctionLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, function_range=(-2*np.pi, np.pi), function=lambda x: np.sin(x)/x*300e-9, size_x=None, size_y=300e-9, resolution=1e-9, thickness=30e-9)]

And here is an example where both are controlled through the function:

HOLES = [FunctionLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, function_range=(-500e-9*2/3, 500e-9/3), function=lambda x: np.sin(x*3*np.pi/500e-9)/(x*3*np.pi/500e-9)*300e-9, resolution=1e-9, thickness=30e-9)]

Consider that the hole will be bigger than the function because of its thickness.

How to use PointLineHole

As mentioned, FunctionLineHole is just a wrapper for PointLineHole. This means that we can implement our own function for generating the points. Here is a simple example where we simply provide two hard-coded points:

HOLES = [PointLineHole(x=0, y=200e-9, points=[(0,0), (25e-9, 150e-9)], thickness=30e-9, rotation=0)]

This hole is best used with a python function to generate the list of points. Even with very basic programming knowledge, this hole can be a very versatile and powerful tool. This will be demonstrated through some following examples. You can also have a look at how FunctionLineHole in the code as another example.

Example 1 - Straight lines

This example, demonstrates how you can draw straight lines using this hole:

import numpy as np

def generate_points_on_line(dx, dy, resolution):
    number_of_points = round(np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) / resolution)

    xs = np.linspace(-dx/2, dx/2, number_of_points)
    ys = np.linspace(-dy/2, dy/2, number_of_points)

    return np.vstack((xs, ys)).T

def make_line_hole(dx, dy, resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation):
    points = generate_points_on_line(dx, dy, resolution)
    return PointLineHole(x, y, points, thickness, rotation)

HOLES = [make_line_hole(100e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, 0e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 0)]

The size of the line in x and y are defined through dx and dy, resolution is used to define the distance between points, x and y position the center of the line. thickness and rotation work as expected. Now multiple lines can be used to generate more complex structures like letters:

    make_line_hole(0e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, -40e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 0),
    make_line_hole(-80e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, 0e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 0),
    make_line_hole(0e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, 40e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 0),

The problem is that if you try to rotate the structure using the rotation argument, you rotate each line individually instead of the whole structure:

    make_line_hole(0e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, -40e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 30),
    make_line_hole(-80e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, 0e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 30),
    make_line_hole(0e-9, 150e-9, 5e-9, 40e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 30),

To prevent this, it is better to make one big list with all the points like this:

def make_line_structure(lines, resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation):
    points = []
    for dx, dy, x0, y0 in lines:
        points.extend(generate_points_on_line(dx, dy, resolution) + (x0, y0))
    return PointLineHole(x, y, points, thickness, rotation)

        (0e-9, 150e-9, -40e-9, 0e-9),
        (-80e-9, 150e-9, 0e-9, 0e-9),
        (0e-9, 150e-9, 40e-9, 0e-9),
        ], 5e-9, 0e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 30)

Example 2 - Circular arcs

Here is an example that generates circular arcs:

def points_on_arc(radius, start_angle, end_angle, resolution):
    # Convert angles to radians
    start_angle_rad = math.radians(start_angle)
    end_angle_rad = math.radians(end_angle)

    # Calculate the number of points
    num_points = int(radius* abs(end_angle_rad - start_angle_rad) / resolution) + 1

    # Calculate angular increment
    angle_increment = (end_angle_rad - start_angle_rad) / (num_points - 1)

    # Generate points on the arc
    arc_points = []
    for i in range(num_points):
        angle = start_angle_rad + i * angle_increment
        x = radius * math.sin(angle)
        y = radius * math.cos(angle)
        arc_points.append((x, y))

    return arc_points

def make_arc_hole(radius, start_angle, end_angle, resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation):
    points = points_on_arc(radius, start_angle, end_angle, resolution)
    return PointLineHole(x, y, points, thickness, rotation)

HOLES = [make_arc_hole(200e-9, 20, 90, 5e-9, -100e-9, 50e-9, 30e-9, 0)]

Example 3 - Combining structures

Here is how multiple generation functions can be combined to create even more complete shapes:

def make_line_arc_structure(lines, arcs, resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation):
    points = []
    for dx, dy, x0, y0 in lines:
        points.extend(generate_points_on_line(dx, dy, resolution) + (x0, y0))
    for radius, start_angle, end_angle, x0, y0 in arcs:
        points.extend(np.array(points_on_arc(radius, start_angle, end_angle, resolution)) + (x0, y0))
    return PointLineHole(x, y, points, thickness, rotation)

        (0e-9, 150e-9, -195e-9-40e-9, 0e-9),
        (-80e-9, 150e-9, -195e-9, 0e-9),
        (0e-9, 150e-9, -195e-9+40e-9, 0e-9),

        (0e-9, 150e-9, -65e-9-40e-9, 0e-9),
        (80e-9, 0e-9, -65e-9, -75e-9),

        (40e-9, 150e-9, 65e-9-20e-9, 0e-9),
        (-40e-9, 150e-9, 65e-9+20e-9, 0e-9),
        (40e-9, 0e-9, 65e-9, -35e-9),

        (0e-9, 150e-9, 195e-9-40e-9, 0e-9),
        (40e-9, 0e-9, 195e-9-20e-9, 75e-9),
        (40e-9, 0e-9, 195e-9-20e-9, 0e-9),
        (40e-9, 0e-9, 195e-9-20e-9, -75e-9),
        ], [
        (37.5e-9, 0, 180, 195e-9, -37.5e-9),
        (37.5e-9, 0, 180, 195e-9, 37.5e-9),
        5e-9, 0e-9, 150e-9, 30e-9, 0)

Example 4 - Box with rounded corners

This hole can also be used to trace the outline of a shape, which will result in a shape with rounded corners:

def make_rounded_rectangle(x, y, size_x, size_y, resolution, thickness, rotation):
    return make_line_structure([
        (size_x, 0, 0, -size_y/2),
        (size_x, 0, 0, size_y/2),
        (0, size_y, -size_x/2, 0),
        (0, size_y, size_x/2, 0),
        ], resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation)

    make_rounded_rectangle(0, 150e-9, 150e-9, 100e-9, 5e-9, 50e-9, 0),

If the shape is too big, the hole can end up with an "island" in the middle. For the scattering behavior this is not a problem, but the thermal conductivity calculation considers the structure's volume so it is recommended to fill the middle in like this for example:

def make_rounded_rectangle(x, y, size_x, size_y, resolution, thickness, rotation):
    return make_line_structure([
        (size_x, 0, 0, -size_y/2),
        (size_x, 0, 0, size_y/2),
        (0, size_y, -size_x/2, 0),
        (0, size_y, size_x/2, 0),
        ], resolution, x, y, thickness, rotation)

    make_rounded_rectangle(0, 150e-9, 150e-9, 100e-9, 5e-9, 50e-9, 0),
    RectangularHole(0, 150e-9, 150e-9, 100e-9),

Example 5 - Bézier curves

As a final example, here is how to draw Bézier curves:

def points_on_bezier(control_point1, handle1, control_point2, handle2, number_of_points):
    # get coordinate points
    x1, y1 = control_point1
    x2 = x1 + handle1[0] 
    y2 = y1 + handle1[1]
    x4, y4 = control_point2
    x3 = x4 + handle2[0] 
    y3 = y4 + handle2[1]
    # define function
    bezier_function = lambda t, p1, p2, p3, p4: (1-t)**3*p1 + 3*t*(1-t)**2*p2 + 3*t**2*(1-t)*p3 + t**3*p4
    bezier_point_function = lambda t: (bezier_function(t, x1, x2, x3, x4), bezier_function(t, y1, y2, y3, y4))

    # calculate points and return
    return [bezier_point_function(t) for t in np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_points)]

points = points_on_bezier((-100e-9, 0), (50e-9, 100e-9), (100e-9, 0), (-50e-9, -100e-9), 100)
HOLES = [PointLineHole(0, 150e-9, points, thickness=30e-9)]

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