References and credits
The code is being developed by Roman Anufriev, Philipp Gassmann, and other contributors in Nomura lab at the University of Tokyo since 2018. If you would like to use this code for your research, consider citing the papers below, if it is appropriate. If you need certain feature to be implemented for your research, we can consider a collaboration.
Anufriev et al. Applied Physics Letters 124, 022202 (2024)
Singh et al. Applied Physics Letters, 122, 092203 (2023)
Anufriev et al. Materials Today Physics 15, 100272 (2021)
Huang et al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 25478 (2020)
Anufriev et al. Nanoscale, 11, 13407-13414 (2019)
Anufriev et al. ACS Nano 12, 11928 (2018)
Development of this code was funded by the following grants:
Kakenhi (15H05869, 15K13270, and 18K14078)
Postdoctoral Fellowship program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
The code is still in development and provided as is. It likely contains bugs or might be inappropriate for your research. It is your responsibility to understand the underlying physics, test the code, and verify that all the equations and the code are correct and suitable for your use case.
Last updated