Input file creation

How to make your own input files

FreePATHS is used by providing a config file to the program that controls the simulation. This config file is in the form of a python script. In this python script, you can either define the parameters directly like this NUMBER_OF_PHONONS = 100, or you can also use python code to set the parameters like this, for example TIMESTEP = 300e-9 / 10000.

Each parameter has a default value, which is defined in the file. If you provide no config file, FreePATHS will simply run the default config. And each parameter that you do not set will use the default value. If you input a non-existent parameter, it will be ignored and no error will be raised, so double-check the parameters.

All the parameters are explained on this site, grouped logically. For some parameters, not only what they do but also some theoretical explanations and assumptions behind them are detailed.

In the first section the most important parameters are explained, the second section details some more in-depth aspects of the simulation are presented and in the last section the parameters mainly used for adjusting the simulation outputs are shown.

While the default values for the parameters, which are the ones shown on this page, are set to realistic values so that if a parameter is not given, the default value should work fine. I still recommend you to read this entire page so that you are informed about all the features FreePATHS has and do not overlook anything when setting up your simulation.

Please be advised that the information on this page might not be quite up-to-date.

After learning about the parameters, please look at the example files provided here, some of which have further explanations on the wiki.

Basic parameters

Most basic parameters

These parameters control the most fundamental elements of the simulation.

OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME             = 'Si nanowire at 300 K'
NUMBER_OF_PHONONS              = 5000
TIMESTEP                       = 2e-12
NUMBER_OF_TIMESTEPS            = 200000
T                              = 300

➡️ OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME : string The outputs of the simulation will be saved in the Results folder. In this folder, another folder with this name will be created, which will contain the output files. So, in this case, the result files will be in Results/Si nanowire at 300 K. Keep in mind that the the Results folder will be created in the folder you executed the FreePATHS command. Also, pay attention that if the simulation is run again, the results will be overwritten without a warning. A useful trick is to use f-strings to automatically name the output folders. For example, if the same simulation is to be run at multiple temperatures, using OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME = f'Simulation at {T}K' will automatically put the simulation temperature in the output folder name. Just make sure to define the parameters (T in this case) before.

➡️ NUMBER_OF_PHONONS : int This will define how many phonons are simulated. Since the Monte Carlo simulation approach is inherently statistical, more phonons should result in more stable results with less standard variation between the results of different simulations at the cost of more calculation time.

➡️ TIMESTEP : float The phonons are not simulated in a continuous fashion but only every timestep. If the timestep is small, the phonon behavior will be more realistic, but the simulation time will increase. And vice versa for a large timestep. Because the phonons are only simulated every timestep the time between two scattering events of a particular phonon cannot be smaller than the timestep so take this into account, especially when simulating at high temperatures where scattering events are more frequent. If you experience wrong or unexpected phonon behavior, reducing the timestep can also help with this.

➡️ NUMBER_OF_TIMESTEPS : int The phonon is simulated until it reaches a cold side or until the number of timesteps is reached. This is to prevent infinite calculation times if a phonon gets stuck somewhere. Thus, this parameter should usually be high enough so that most phonons reach the cold side. Otherwise, you will see a warning at the end of the simulation.

➡️ T : float The temperature of the simulation in Kelvin. Since increasing the temperature increases the number of scattering events and phonons take longer to traverse the structure, simulations at high temperatures take significantly longer than at low temperatures.

Simulation domain

The simulation domain consists of a box. These parameters control the size of the box. The unit is meters.

THICKNESS                        = 150e-9
WIDTH                            = 500e-9
LENGTH                           = 2000e-9

➡️ THICKNESS : float Defines the thickness of the simulation domain in meters. This corresponds to the z coordinate and the box will span from -THICKNESS/2 to THICKNESS/2 on the z axis.

➡️ WIDTH : float Defines the width of the simulation domain in meters. This corresponds to the x coordinate and the box will span from -WIDTH/2 to WIDTH/2 on the x axis.

➡️ LENGTH : float Defines the length of the simulation domain in meters. This corresponds to the y coordinate and the box will span from 0 to LENGTH on the y axis.

Simulation boundaries

Each side of the simulation domain can either be a wall that phonons scatter on, a cold side that phonons disappear on, a hot side where phonons re-thermalize or empty so that phonons can fly through it. The floor and ceiling of the box are always physical walls. By default, the bottom is assumed to be hot, the top is assumed cold, and the left and right walls are just physical walls.

# Walls:
INCLUDE_TOP_SIDEWALL             = False

# Cold sides:

# Hot sides:
HOT_SIDE_POSITION_TOP            = False
HOT_SIDE_POSITION_LEFT           = False

There will not be a section for every parameter in this section because it would be redundant. To set a wall to be solid, set the corresponding INCLUDE_..._SIDEWALL = True and set COLD_SIDE_POSITION_... = False and HOT_SIDE_POSITION_... = False. The same goes if you want to set a wall to a hot or cold side. If a wall is assigned multiple functions, an error will occur. And if you want a wall to be open, set all three parameters to False.

Phonon sources

The phonons are not emitted by the hot sides but by phonon sources. A source of phonons is an area where phonons are generated in a given direction. This area can be placed anywhere in the structure.

PHONON_SOURCES = [Source(x=0, y=0, z=0, size_x=0, size_y=0, size_z=0, 
			angle_distribution="random", angle=0)]

➡️ PHONON_SOURCES : list The list needs to conation one or multiple Sources. Often this will be one source on the hot side. Here is an example (note that all values of a Source that are not set will be zero):

                Source(x=-300e-9, size_x=100e-9),
                Source(x=0, size_x=100e-9),
                Source(x=300e-9, size_x=100e-9)

It is convenient to use WIDTH, LENGTH and THICKNESS like in this example:

			    x=0, y=LENGTH/2, z=0, 
			    size_x=0, size_y=LENGTH, size_z=THICKNESS, 
			    angle_distribution="random", angle=np.pi/2

Note that the source angle distribution is also adjusted. The angle distribution can be chosen among one of those shown in the image below. In the case of multiple sources, the phonons will be emitted from them with equal probability.

Holes and pillars

While holes are not necessarily required for a simulation, which you can see in the empty default value, they are a key aspect of FreePATHS which is why they are in the necessary parameters section.

HOLES = []

➡️ HOLES : list To build any structure in FreePATHS holes are used. A hole has a certain shape and cuts through the simulation domain in the z direction. A selection of holes and their parameters are shown in the image below. If you want to look at the holes and their parameters in more detail, take a look at the file. I also recommend taking a look at the example file.

Note that ParabolaBottom and ParabolaTop are special because you cannot place them anywhere in the simulation domain. They will always appear at the top or bottom side of the structure. See the example.

To add holes to the simulation, simply put them into the list. It is often very useful to generate these holes using some simple python code. For example, the following code will create a 5x6 square lattice of circular holes:

HOLES = []
period = 300e-9
for row in range(5):
    for column in range(6):
        x = - 4 * period / 2 + column * period
        y = (row + 1) * period
        HOLES.append(CircularHole(x=x, y=y, diameter=200e-9))

There are multiple ways to add arbitrary shapes into the simulation. The simplest one is based on mathematical equations and requires practically no programming knowledge. Check out this tutorial.

➡️ PILLARS : list Pillars are a more experimental feature, and the only pillar available at the time is CircularPillar. Pillars work the same way as holes but instead of preventing phonons from entering a certain area of the simulation domain they extend the simulation domain in z direction locally.

➡️ INTERFACES : list Interfaces represent vertical or horizontal planes on which phonon can either pass, or be scattered according to usual rules of scattering on walls. Two types of interfaces are available:

VerticalPlane(position_x=0, transmission=0.0)
HorizontalPlane(position_z=0, transmission=0.0)

The transmissionparameter takes values between zero and one and represents the probability of being transmitted through the interface, with zero being absence of transmission and one being total transmission.



➡️ NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES : int Every phonon is simulated independently, one after the other. To speed up the calculation, the phonons should be distributed across multiple processes, which will each simulate phonons independently. This value should be set to a value close to the number of threads your processor has. Please take note that the progress percentage displayed in the terminal is the progress of a single process, and that some processes will take longer than others to finish.

Advanced simulation parameters


MEDIA = "Si"

➡️ MEDIA : str This parameter describes what material the simulation domain is made of. Phonons speed and internal scattering behavior are examples of what is affected by this. Current choices are: Si, SiC, and Graphite

➡️ IS_TWO_DIMENSIONAL_MATERIAL : bool If this is set to True the z dimension will be ignored and the simulation will take place only in the x-y plane. This is usually used for Graphene sheet simulation.


When phonons scatter on a surface, the surface roughness influences the probability of specular or diffuse scattering on the surface.

SIDE_WALL_ROUGHNESS              = 2e-9
TOP_ROUGHNESS                    = 0.2e-9
BOTTOM_ROUGHNESS                 = 0.2e-9
HOLE_ROUGHNESS                   = 2e-9
PILLAR_ROUGHNESS                 = 2e-9
PILLAR_TOP_ROUGHNESS             = 0.2e-9
INTERFACE_ROUGHNESS              = 0.2e-9

The roughness values are expressed in meters. Most of the variable names are pretty self-explanatory. To clarify, TOP_ROUGHNESS references the simulation domain boundary in the positive z direction and BOTTOM_ROUGHNESS in the negative z direction. SIDE_WALL_ROUGHNESS are all other simulation domain boundaries.

If the roughness is set to a very low value, the scattering will be mostly specular, which can be used on the side walls, for example, as a symmetric/periodic boundary condition. It can also be used for testing purposes to check if the scattering behavior is programmed correctly.

Internal scattering


➡️ INCLUDE_INTERNAL_SCATTERING : bool If this is set to False phonons will not experience internal scattering. This means that they will only be scattered on Holes and simulation boundaries. This is mainly used for debugging and testing purposes.

➡️ USE_GRAY_APPROXIMATION_MFP : bool Use the gray approximation to determine the internal scattering rate.

➡️ GRAY_APPROXIMATION_MFP : float If USE_GRAY_APPROXIMATION_MFP is set to True, this needs to be set to the phonon mean free path to be used for the gray approximation.


Please do not confuse the "virtual" timesteps discussed in this section with the timesteps discussed in the Most basic parameters section. The NUMBER_OF_TIMESTEPS parameter defines the maximum time a phonon has to travel through the structure, while the parameters of this section are used to make sure the thermal simulation that is designed to reach the steady state.

Considering the Thermal map.pdf and the resulting Temperature profile.pdf please consider that the physics of the entire simulation behaves with the temperature of the parameter T even if Temperature profile.pdf shows a significantly higher temperature. This is because the temperature in Temperature profile.pdf results from the amount of heat that enters the structure, which is dependent on NUMBER_OF_PHONONS. Thus, the temperatures in Temperature profile.pdf should not be taken at face value. For the thermal conductivity calculation, the gradient of this profile is used.


➡️ NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_TIMESTEPS : int The phonons do not all enter the structure at the same time, but a virtual start time is assigned to each phonon randomly and the range of these start times is controlled with this parameter. This means that because no phonons are generated before the simulation starts that the first moments of the simulation are not useful because all phonons are at the beginning of the structure and none are towards the end of the structure. This also means that phonons that enter the structure towards the end of the simulation time and exit the structure after the simulation time are not considered for some calculations during their entire flight time. This is not a huge issue, but be aware that the shorter the simulation time is with respect to the time the phonons need to traverse the structure, the more information that is generated is not considered. So this parameter should at least be a couple of times larger than the time it takes phonons to traverse the structure. The time it takes phonons to traverse the structure can be determined with Distribution of travel times.pdf (Determining the 95% or 99% quantile by eye should be sufficient).

➡️ NUMBER_OF_TIMEFRAMES : int The simulation time determined by NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_TIMESTEPS is divided into several timeframes to observe the evolution of the system with time. The number of the timeframes should be around 8 for reasonable output.

➡️ NUMBER_OF_STABILIZATION_TIMEFRAMES : int The system requires some time to reach a steady state, in which the thermal conductivity should be calculated. Thus, this parameter controls how many first timeframes are skipped before the measurement begins. For example, this can be at least half of the NUMBER_OF_TIMEFRAMES parameter.

Output parameters

Thermal maps

The heat flux maps, the thermal map and the pixel volumes plot are all based on the same pixel grid. The thermal conductivity calculation is heavily dependent on these plots.

Concerning the heat flux maps, it is important to consider that the Heat flux map.pdf file displays the absolute magnitude of heat flux. So if a phonon travels through a place twice in opposite directions, the heat flux will be added. In the Heat flux map x.pdf and Heat flux map y.pdf the directional heat flux is calculated which means that if a phonon travels through a place twice in opposite directions, the heat flux will cancel out.



These parameters define the pixel grid which is used for the map creation, so a higher number will generally result in higher quality maps. Note that this is not purely for looks, but the thermal conductivity calculations rely on the values in these maps. I recommend setting these using this code snippet, where the pixel size can be adjusted:

pixel_size = 30e-9
NUMBER_OF_PIXELS_X = int(WIDTH / pixel_size)
NUMBER_OF_PIXELS_Y = int(LENGTH / pixel_size)

➡️ IGNORE_FAULTY_PHONONS : bool Sometimes, phonons may escape the structure and get trapped outside the structure or travel outside the simulation domain. This can cause the maps to not look nice because the holes are not empty. If this parameter is set to True all phonons that are outside the structure are simply ignored in the map generation, which improves both the look and the calculations. I recommend keeping this on False so that you notice if phonons leave the structure, which can be an indicator of some errors or bugs. If phonons leave the structure, this can be turned on to still get clean data.

Structure plots

OUTPUT_SCATTERING_MAP            = False

➡️ OUTPUT_SCATTERING_MAP : bool If this is set to True an additional output file Scattering map.pdf will be generated in which the position and type of all scattering events is shown. This can be very useful for debugging and testing.

➡️ OUTPUT_TRAJECTORIES_OF_FIRST : int This parameter defines how many trajectories of phonons are saved into the Phonon paths.csv output file and how many phonon trajectories are plotted in the Phonon paths XY.pdf and Phonon paths YZ.pdf output files.

➡️ OUTPUT_STRUCTURE_COLOR : str This variable defines the background color in the Phonon paths XY.pdf and Phonon paths YZ.pdf output plots. You can use a hexadecimal color or a color name like 'blue' or any color that matplotlib library accepts.

Line plots


➡️ NUMBER_OF_NODES : int This value affects the number of bins for the histogram output plots, like for example Distribution of angles.pdf.

➡️ NUMBER_OF_LENGTH_SEGMENTS : int A few plots display information in segments along the y-axis like Scattering rates.pdf and Time spent in segments.pdf. The number of segments for these plots can be adjusted with this parameter.


Animations are currently not working. See this issue.

Note that NUMBER_OF_TIMESTEPS should not be too large, otherwise the generation of animation may take a very long time because one frame for each time step will be created. A few hundred time steps is a reasonable value.


➡️ OUTPUT_PATH_ANIMATION : bool Set this to True to generate an animation.

➡️ OUTPUT_ANIMATION_FPS : int Each timestep corresponds to one frame. This parameter determines the playback speed of the frames in the generated video. Please note that all phonons will start flying at the beginning of the video.

Last updated