Phononic crystal

Square array of hole in a thin plate at 4 K

This example shows how to add holes to your structure and can be reproduced with examples/ input file. The structure contains the square array of holes defined in the input file as:

# Lattice of holes:
HOLES = []
period = 300e-9
for row in range(6):
    for column in range(5):
        x = - 4 * period / 2 + column * period
        y = (row + 1) * period
        HOLES.append(CircularHole(x=x, y=y, diameter=200e-9))

Here, the HOLES list is filled with the CircularHole objects. This will create a structure that looks like so:

If we increase the number of phonons to several thousand, we can see some interesting distributions, for example the distributions of phonon angle at the beginning (red) and end (blue) of the structure. Interestingly, the array of holes "aligned" phonon trajectories along the passages between the holes [1, 2].

One can also output, for example, phonon frequency spectrum or time phonons took to reach the cold side.

The file information.txt also contains various statistical insides, for example, the scattering likelihood:

99% of phonons reached the cold side

11.09% - scattering on side walls (14.98% - diffuse, 85.02% - specular)
48.50% - scattering on top and bottom walls (0.94% - diffuse, 99.06% - specular)
3.68% - rethermalization at the hot side
0.00% - internal scattering processes
45.52% - scattering on hole walls (19.61% - diffuse, 80.39% - specular)


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